Gang tackles aren't all that great in tracking down the ball carrier. According to Cummings the development team has been working to eliminate nagging issues in Madden 25 coins like the "suction effect" in which players are attracted by ball carriers when trying to tackle. The effect that is unrealistic should be greatly reduced this season due to a decrease in the distance from which the wrap animation starts and ends, which was reduced from about three yards to about 1 yard in this season. But, players with a high level of skill are still able to wrap around a player from a longer distance than your average defensive player.
The usual tactic used by many skilled Madden on the internet is either to push the quarterback directly from the pocket or to roll him toward the sides. One of the reasons appears to have been the absence of a pocket at all. This is another issue for Madden 25 - creating a realistic and efficient pocket that the quarterback can get comfortable in, so that he can go through his reads and execute the pass. As we witnessed in our demonstration, the offensive linemen responsible for safeguarding Ben Roethlisberger were much more skilled and created a protective cone surrounding Big Ben during his drop back, either obstructing defensive linemen entirely or steering them away to allow Roethlisberger time to finish his readings.
Even with a better pocket, eventually or later, protection will break down. To address this issue it is also trying to ensure that quarterbacks are proficient at getting rid of tackles and avoiding them or removing the ball after being caught by defenders. Indeed, there were several instances where we witnessed Ben running about in the backfield dropping tackles (which can be controlled by an arrow on an appropriate stick) and in one instance throwing the ball into the air after an Arizona defensive player was able to lock him in a. Naturally, throwing the ball during the course of a tackle can be risky in the real world, and it is in Madden 25. In this case the ball popped out of the player's hands like a wounded duck perfect for an intercept attempt.
The buy Madden nfl 25 coins game will be played out, Big Ben will be equally elusive in the pocket, just as in real life.