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 Forum de l'association French-Drift-Community • Consulter le sujet - Cost of Faxing from Libraries

Cost of Faxing from Libraries

Modérateur: Bureau FDC

Cost of Faxing from Libraries

Message par Sampbelli » 12 Sep 2024, 23:44

Hello! I need to send a fax and was thinking of using the library’s fax service. Does anyone know how much it typically costs to fax there? Are there extra fees for long documents or additional services? I’d appreciate any advice or tips!
Message(s) : 5
Inscription : 12 Sep 2024, 23:43

Re: Cost of Faxing from Libraries

Message par Turner Seamus » 12 Sep 2024, 23:51

I recently had the same question and came across a really helpful article on Comfax at https://comfax.com/cost-to-fax-at-library/. It goes into detail about the costs involved in faxing at a library, including any potential extra fees for things like longer documents. The article is very clear and covers everything you need to know before deciding. I liked how it compares library faxing to other options like using online fax services or going to a store. The library turned out to be a great choice for me because it was affordable and easy to use. There were no hidden charges, and the service was quick. If you're looking for detailed info on library faxing, this guide is a great place to start. It helped me make an informed choice with no surprises.
Turner Seamus
Message(s) : 9
Inscription : 30 Août 2024, 00:32

Re: Cost of Faxing from Libraries

Message par xurple » 02 Mars 2025, 05:53

Osaka drift master
Message(s) : 11247
Inscription : 14 Fév 2025, 10:56


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